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San Antonio, TX is a vibrant South Texas city with a diverse population from many nations, speaking various languages. The Telugu community in San Antonio is one of the larger sub-communities from India. The earliest known Telugu resident of San Antonio is Prof. PN Rao, who moved here in the ‘60s. San Antonio was then a distant outpost with few Indians and no Indian restaurants or stores. The Telugu community has since grown to more than 250 households (including singles and families.)
As the community grew, the urge to retain links to Telugu culture propelled enthusiastic volunteers to conduct regular events, usually around the main Telugu festivals - Sankranthi, Ugadi, and Dassera. No attempts were made, however, to formalize an association. Despite the lack of a formal structure, Telugu events were conducted with great fanfare and usually ensured full-houses at the (then) IAA Hall, and more recently the Mahalakshmi Hall (MLH). This unstinting support from the Telugu community members led some volunteers to seriously consider the possibility of forming a Telugu Association of San Antonio. A survey was conducted at the Dassera 2001 event at IAA to gauge public interest in such an association. The response was overwhelming. More than 70% endorsed the formation of a Telugu association.
An Executive Committee (EC) was quickly formed, and office bearers nominated from volunteers. While there was an initial move to formalize an association, caution suggested that the idea be tried for an initial trial period of one year. The EC conducted the Ugadi program and a HariKatha in 2002. Emboldened by the turnout at these events, the EC inaugurated the association on January 25, 2003 at the Sankranthi event. The EC also determined that the Telugu Association of San Antonio (TASA), as it was formally named, should host at least four programs a year. Telugu community members responded with great enthusiasm and made every program a great success, including an unheard of 100 members participating in a picnic event at the Guadalupe River in March 2003.
TASA was formally registered as a non-profit corporation under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act in November, 2003. The Non-Profit Tax ID is 36-4528443. TASA has a bank account and a P.O. box for correspondence.
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TASA P.O. Box# 781853
San Antonio TX 78278. -
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