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About Us

Telugu Association of San Antonio (TASA) is a non-profit organization with a goal to maintain and perpetuate Telugu Samskriti (Culture), Sahityam (Literature), and Sampradayam (Tradition).
TASA was formally registered as a non-profit organization under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act in November 2003 with Tax Id #36-4528443.
TASA caters to the cultural, social and literary needs of the Telugu people migrated from India as well as their children raised here in USA. TASA celebrates all the major annual Telugu festivals such as Sankranti, Ugadi and Dasara. It strongly encourages participation by members as well as all the interested individuals and families living in and around San Antonio area. Other social events include FREE annual picnic during/end of summer, organizing special cultural events and music concerts by visiting artists from India
TASA publishes quarterly News Letter, TASA VAARTHA which is distributed to its members electronically via Web links as well mail hard copy to the current members
Objectives of TASA:
- Bring together the Telugu community living in San Antonio and it’s vicinity.
- Perpetuate Telugu culture, literature, traditions, and values; integrating them into modern life.
- Organize and promote literary, cultural, educational, social, and community activities of the Telugu people living in this region.
- Solicit, raise, and disburse funds for charitable, cultural, religious and educational activities directly or in cooperation with other non-profit organizations.
- Raise funds for natural disasters either directly or in cooperation with other non-profit organizations.
- Promote the understanding of Telugu literature, art, culture, music, dance, and drama among the children of Telugu speaking people in this region.
- Carry literary, cultural, and educational activities in compliance with Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act for non-profit organizations.
Photo Gallery
TASA P.O. Box# 781853
San Antonio TX 78278. -
Need help? Just Call Us 2108764462 -
Need Online Support? info@tasatexas.org